Iran is almost in civil war, North Korea may blast us off the map at any time, the economy sucks, and America's top news story, The Death of Micheal Jackson.
Before I go any further I want to say that I respect the family of Micheal Jackson and I am familiar with losing people close to me. This blog is not an attack on them or the deceased in question, rather it is a rant about the state of America's mentality and media.
I was sitting in a Japanese steakhouse last night enjoying a ginger dressing salad and waiting on a sushi combo platter to come my way when a couple walked through the door and announced the death of Micheal Jackson. The lady behind me gasped in shock and began crying.
I was wondering if the lady behind me was related to him, maybe a distant cousin. She wasn't. It surprises me to see someone cry for someone they do not know. Maybe I am a little cold-hearted or insensitive but I believe that there is something wrong with caring so much about a person that I have never met.
When I was a kid a celebrity hero of mine the late/great Chris Farley died of a drug related massive heart-attack. I was sad but it was not like losing someone close to me.
In America we put people on pedestals, we love to talk about people we don't know, and turn them into some sort of superhuman demi-gods. We have seen the effects of this plague with such celebrities as Elvis Presley, Brittany Spears, Heath Ledger, and now Micheal Jackson. Elvis died of and over-dose, Brittany shaved her head and went crazy, Heath died of and OD and Micheal Jackson may have OD'd on pain meds. All of these people are byproducts of fame gone wrong.
Micheal's dad got him into show biz when he was just a child. It corrupted his mind causing him to marry and divorce, to somehow change his skin color, supposedly molest children, and dangle a baby by its foot over a balcony. Jackson did not contribute anything good to society except some cool songs to listen and dance to.
The sad thing about his death is that he never got to live a normal life. That he was to confused to know the healing power and love of Jesus Christ, and that his end came without truly finding peace.
America wake up! No one is immortal, we all return to the dust in which we came from. We all have that in common, therefore, no one is worth putting as higher than the other. We all have to answer to our creator for the things we did or did not do in this life and Michel is now standing in the presence of the only one that is worthy of celebrity status, Jesus Christ. Michel died in vain, Christ died for humanity.
"...but I believe that there is something wrong with caring so much about a person that I have never met. " You said that in your blog. I've never met God/Jesus and I deeply care for them. I love God/Jesus with all my heart but anyway moving on. I don't believe the show biz corrupted his mind. Mr. Jackson was corrupted by his dad not show biz. His dad beat him physically, mentally and emotionally. Michael grew up alone. Like many Americans do. He was basically fatherless cus his dad was just another guy with a title. Micheal was more than just a man. He really did some great stuff for the world. Like they said he made the world dance and fall in love with him. I bet even some of the Klan was kicked out for listenin to him lol. He was a humanitarium now I ain't bashing your blog or standing up for him or nothin. What I didn't understand was that they covered his life for a week. And most stations used that to bash him. They claim that he got famous from his "allegations" not his music. Really world? Haha and he didn't dangle his son by his foot. The above pic clearly shows him holdin him lol. But when Heath Ledger died he was talked about as much as Micheal. I never was a fan of Ledger's but he def was a great actor
ReplyDeleteLol. I also think it's messed up tho that you posted that pic up of him. Respect the dead is somethin I was always told....
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you have never met Jesus or God Victor. Come to my house and I will introduce you to him. It is also my opinion that he was corrupted by his father who led him to never have a normal existence. The bashings of the media are mostly true about him. He had the emotional intelligence of a child. If you really want to know what his end result was I suggest you check this link it is his autopsy report from the LA Sun newspaper http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2505693/The-shock-findings-of-the-Michael-Jackson-autopsy.html
ReplyDeleteIt is not messed up that I posted that pic, it is messed up that he would do that to a baby which by the way is a baby that was born by invetro fertilization without the use of his sperm so technically that is not even his kid.
All I am saying is this guy could sing and dance....of course that is a given, but he does not deserve the glory that he has got in life and death.