Friday, January 29, 2010

Hearing the Voice of God

January 29, 2010

I have been in several classes where one of the key focuses is learning how to hear the voice of God. Since I have become a Christian and grown in the faith I have learned more and more how to distinguish the voice of God from all the other voices in my head (no I am not crazy; well not clinically). There is still one thing that bothers me, and that is that I can chose whether or not to listen to this voice. I can drown it out with my own rationality and selfish will. I can put the teachings of man as a counter against it and go about my day.

Recently I saw someone walking and I clearly heard the Lord say, "Turn around and give this person a ride." I kept going saying things like, "What will people think if they see me with that person (It was a female and I am married. I understand that this is a good rule to follow, but the Lord told me to??? DE-LIMA!) I also said that whoever it is will be okay without my help, and even prayed for someone else to help!

Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts.. Heb 3:15

Don't wonder what might have been, listen and respond...Brandon.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

God's Plans Vs. Our Plans

January 28, 2010

"Saul Saul, why do you persecute me?"

Saul in his passion for God was on his way to do what he thought God wanted him to do, which was persecute and kill Christians. Luckily for us, Jesus intervened and asked him why was he doing what he was doing.

Two things that I get from this text are,

1. Jesus did not say, "Saul why are you persecuting the church, or Christians." He did say, "Saul why are you persecuting me?" Could it be that when Christians are persecuted the persecutor is persecuting Jesus himself? Could it be that when we become followers of Jesus he considers us himself, not as individuals? This gives whole new meaning to the term IN CHRIST.

2. Christians, I, you, me could think that we are doing God a favor by doing certain things when we have no idea what God really wants to do. Saul, honestly thought that he was doing the will of God, but it was not until he had an encounter with him that he knew his true mission and purpose in life.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stop Thinking

By the title of this entry it would appear that I am against formal education, this is not so because without it I would not be typing this entry on a computer because I would not know how to use one or even spell words correctly (Thank you spell check, it truly is one of the best inventions since fire). Thinking is inevitable, we think about the day, what we will do, bills that need paying, family members who are sick, spouses, children, pets, dirty dishes, clothes that need washing, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and cars. The list is infinite of the thoughts we can have in any given day.

Jesus says stop thinking.
Take no thought for your life -Matthew 6:25

Your relationship with him is more important than anything else this world has to offer. Why? Because he is eternal, and all this is temporary. What is important in your life? What is your number one priority? If it is anything else besides nurturing and growing in your relationship with Jesus then you need (I need) to slow down, put my mind on pause, and focus on him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Solid Simplicity

January 26

Today I awoke with questions on my mind, worries. Questions such as, what is my next step? What should I do? Is there one given path for a single day?

If God so clothe the grass of the field, shall he not much more clothe you?
-Matt 6:30

How much time have we taken up worrying God with questions when we should have been absolutely free to concentrate on His work?

God knows what the future holds, it is simple. It is not as complex as my mind makes it out to be. God will provide, God will strengthen, God will give grace for each stage of my life. He will prepare the way for me, it is my only task to follow when he calls.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Utmost for His Highest

Hello friends and family!

The next several entries to my blog will be devotional thoughts taken from Scripture and the Oswald Chambers book, "My Utmost for his Highest." Feel free to comment, agree, disagree, add, take away from. This is a learning experience for my internship. Thanks!

January 25, 2010

Do not look for God to come in any particular way, but look for him to come.

One thing that I have learned in my Christian experience is to be expectant. God is not limited to a church building, raising of the hands, or even speaking in a tongue, but when we look beyond the method and expect the God of the method then there is where we truly find him.

I am one to really know what it means to be expecting something. My wife and I are expecting our first child in July. With this expectation comes, questions, fears, hopes, opportunities, and preparations to be made. Our relationship with God is parallel to this. When we expect God to do something we have, questions, fears, hopes, opportunities, preparations to be made. Faith(The evidence of things not yet seen, the substance of things hoped for -Hebrews 11:1) and expectation go hand in hand, but it is us to get a glimpse of what God has in mind before we rush in to tell him what our plans are.

The bottom line is this, Christians should expect God, but not in a ritualistic way.

When God preformed a miracle it usually never happened the same way twice, if ever again. I only know of one account in history that God parted a Sea. I am sure Moses was expecting a miracle.

What are you expecting out of life?