Thursday, April 29, 2010

Personalities and Worship

Creative personalities want to worship God creatively. This involves dancing, singing, doing dramas, and skits. Playing in a heavy metal Christian band.

Critical personalities want to worship God in an organized, orthodox, liturgical way. They are mostly unemotional and sometimes overly critical of those who are.

Direct personalities want to worship God with intense passion, and zeal. They want to do whatever it takes to insure that "His kingdom comes." They are militaristic in their ministries.

Steady/stable personalities want to ensure that everyone is loved and accepted in the church. The way they see worship as praying one on one with as many people as possible and giving as many hugs as possible.

Influencers want all people to be included in the service, and they want them to have a positive experience. They are worried about being accepted by their congregation, and will conform to whatever the general atmosphere is in a particular church.

The problem is, each one of these personalities can see church worship through their own preferences. The solution is to keep in mind that we are not all the same, and we each find God in our own way.

Many churches I have been to are churches with a lot of the same personalities. "Birds of a feather flock together." Think about it, if a church has a rockin band, raise their hands, dance, and jump around they are labeled Pentecostal. If a church is slightly below that and has more of a passion to teach the correct doctrine they are labeled baptist.

The emotional are grouped with the emotional, the outcasts with the outcasts, the intellectual with the intellectual. It is like we are all organized. I think it is up to each believer to learn from all groups.

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