So I am taking a pastoral leadership class this summer, the books that I am reading are painting a portrait of a certain kind of minister. It seems as if the book is saying that as a minister you should wear a three piece suit, kiss hands and shake babies (I think I got that one mixed up) and have a clear "pastor voice." The book even went as far as to say that you should seek to please everyone in your congregation.
So if I am to be a Pastor is this the mold I am to fit into? A superficial "yes man" who is nice to everyone and is as squeaky clean as the day my mother gave birth to me?
Don't get me wrong I don't mind wearing ties or being nice to people, but really? Jesus didn't wear a suit, and I am pretty sure they were not even invented then. He wasn't nice to everyone. He called a woman a dog, and the religious Pharisees snakes. He turned over tables and beat people with whips. He Shook babies(Just having fun with the last one)! Jesus did not fit any mold, but he did what he saw the Father doing, he did what God would have him do whether or not it fit a certain religious standard. In fact, the religious people saw him as rebellious and as a sinner because he failed to comply with their outer code.
I think the only mold that a spiritual leader needs to fit into is the one that has a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ, and the one that seeks to live a holy life of integrity and honesty. The outer will go to the grave, the inner lives forever.
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