Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We are Created to be Creative

February 10, 2010

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

As Humans we are creations of God, works of art by the hand of the almighty creator. We are created by him, for him. This means that we have work to do for the one that gives us life. I also take this passage to mean that we should use our creative talents for his glory as well. If someone is gifted in art, let that person paint for the glory of God. If a person is good at public speaking let him use that for the glory of God, etc.

We are created to be creative for God, some churches have lost this simple truth. Some churches are so resistant to change that they stay locked in a period of time, or an older movement of God. I believe that God wants the church to be creative in the way that they share the gospel, do praise and worship, and even tithe and offering. The reason we get stuck in ritualism and traditionalism is because of lack of creativity, imagination, and a willingness to try the wildest idea on the table.

The saying, "We do that because we have always done it that way" is not going to cut it in today's generation.

I have talked with person after person that has said that they think that the status of the American church is full of religion, and not relationships (with Jesus and each other). Full of ritual and superficiality, not people seeking the living God and authentic relationships with one another.

The church is only limited by its lack of creativity, and willingness to accept new ways of doing things. I had a thought the other day, what if you had a church were the service was never done the same way twice. The same song was never sung twice, in fact, songs were not always sung. Where the tithe and offering was never announced at the same place during the service, or giving was never in the same way. Think about how exciting church may become if we had structure, yes, but creative structure....

Be Creative, you were made in his image!

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